Join us for the opening of 2017 ICP-Bard MFA candidate Nechama Winston’s solo exhibition, Static Test, at the ICP-Bard MFA Studios in Long Island City, on view from April 14 to 16.

“Static” is associated with a lack in movement, action, or change—something that is fixed, stable, steady—constant. It is used to describe bodies that are at rest and forces that are in equilibrium. It can also denote a crackling and hissing that indicates a system of telecommunications.

In Static Test, Winston presents moving and still images projected throughout the gallery space in five video works. She constructs a discontinuous visual and aural montage of experiences, combining her footage with appropriated material, all of which were made and gathered over the past two years. These include, for example, archival scientific film footage of cells, neuron networks, and microbes, close-ups of film grain from still photographs, landscapes shot using night-vision technology, nocturnal seascapes, and family albums.

Winston’s combinations abstract and fragment her visual material, an effect that she also uses in installations that project such imagery not only onto walls and flat, transparent planes, but over upended bricks, table tops, and irregular polygon shapes that protrude into space. Together, this produces discrete visual events and fluctuating sensations that can potentially counter stasis and induce new perspectives. The ultimate effect of the installation questions how we have come to inherit ideas, and define and use objects that organize and determine our sense of place and non-place.


Nechama Winston (b. 1989, New York) is an artist who works with photography, video, and installation. She received her BA from CUNY Hunter College with a double major in art history and psychology with a concentration in behavioral neuroscience. Winston challenges the ways images appear to provide a linear form with which to measure narrative and reality. She distorts and de-contextualizes visual records she finds, makes, and archives. Through the process of rearranging and re-envisioning information in images, she addresses a person’s personal experience in time that either parallels or collides with the history, usage, and production of spaces, and the socio-psychological situations within them.

Opening Reception

Thursday, April 13 | 6–9 PM

On View

April 14–16 | 12–6 PM


The ICP-Bard MFA Studios are located at 24-20 Jackson Avenue in Queens. Take the E or M train to Court Square-23rd Street, 7 or G train to Court Square, or the B62 Bus to Jackson Ave/David St.

TOP IMAGE: Nechama Winston, Portrait of G (video still). © Nechama Winston