ICP and Anthology Film Archives continue their ongoing collaboration with a film series celebrating the 70th anniversary of the renowned photo agency Magnum Photos, created by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and Chim (David Seymour) in 1947. Presented in conjunction with the ICP Museum’s current exhibition Magnum Manifesto, the series showcases films about, or in many cases directed by, Magnum photographers and associates, including Eve Arnold, Jean Gaumy, Harry Gruyaert, Erich Lessing, Danny Lyon, and Alec Soth.


$11 General Admission
$9 Students and seniors

$7 ICP Members, AFA Members, and children (12 & under)

Please present your ICP Member card at the AFA box office when purchasing.

Please note, AFA does not sell advance tickets online. 
Tickets are available at AFA's box office on the day of the show only. The box office opens 30 minutes before the first show of the day. There are no advance ticket sales.

See Anthology Film Archives for more information.  


The Photographer in Front of the Camera
By Tizza Covi & Rainer Frimmel
July 20 at 7:00 PM
July 23 at 9:00 PM

Somewhere to Disappear
By Laure Flammarion & Arnaud Uyttenhove
July 20 at 9:00 PM
July 24 at 7:15 PM

Danny Lyon, Program 1
July 21 at 6:45 PM
July 27 at 9:00 PM

Danny Lyon, Program 2
July 21 at 9:00 PM
July 27 at 6:45 PM

Behind the Veil
By Eve Arnold
July 22 at 5:45 PM
July 25 at 6:45 PM

Films by Harry Gruyaert
July 22 at 7:30 PM

Aka Ana
By Antoine d’Agata
July 22 at 9:00 PM
July 24 at 9:00 PM

The Two Faces of China
By René Burri
July 23 at 4:45 PM

Jean Gaumy
July 23 at 6:45 PM
July 25 at 9:00 PM

See Anthology Film Series for full listing.