This spring Anthology Film Archives inaugurates The Cinema of Gender Transgression: Trans Film, an extensive, ongoing series exploring the ways in which the cinema has intersected with the experiences, struggles, and ideas within the transgender community. Organized with the participation of a variety of guest curators, it will showcase historical films that have reflected on or explored the concept of gender transgression as well as the growing body of work emerging from the transgender community itself.
Taking place from April 14–23, the opening chapter of the series includes pioneering films by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Ulrike Ottinger, Sally Potter, Rosa von Praunheim, and Frank Simon; contemporary work by trans filmmakers and artists Ester Martin Bergsmark, Clyde Petersen, Geo Wyeth, and others; and very special appearances by writer, filmmaker, and community organizer Reina Gossett, and legendary drag icon and trans activist, Flawless Sabrina. The Cinema of Gender Transgression is curated in collaboration with Joey Carducci.
Anthology Film Archives for full listing.
SeeICP Members receive a special rate of $7 per ticket. Please present your membership card at the AFA box office when purchasing.
This series is presented in conjunction with the “The Fluidity of Gender” section of the ICP Museum’s current exhibition, Perpetual Revolution: The Image and Social Change, on view through May 7, 2017.