Since 2001, ICP’s Teen Academy program has supported thousands of New York City high school students in using cameras as tools to tell their own stories, build community, and contribute to social change. The program includes seasonal classes in black-and-white and color darkroom, digital and new media, as well as the Imagemakers yearlong advanced program.

This virtual showcase features work created by students in the 2019–2020 Teen Academy Imagemakers program. This weekly after-school program enables motivated high school juniors and seniors to advance their photography, writing, and public speaking skills while developing an awareness of the creative and professional possibilities in the field. The images and writings in this showcase celebrate the unique perspectives of each student and give collective meaning to the power of photography and storytelling to educate and transform.

Please join us online on Wednesday, June 10 from 6–7:30 PM for an opening reception and virtual celebration honoring the students’ achievements and marking the launch of their culminating showcase.

Featured Artists

Afrida Ahmed
Alicia Zamora
Boris Cortes
Ella Herman
Emma Rehac
Jake Haller
Jill Noorily
Julia Karas
Justine Tapert
Kalena Burwell
Karyna Maldonado
Kasia Ojar
Kayetan McEnerney
Lena Likhtina
Lucy Kassel
Lydia Lee
Mali Abel
Marco Syrett
Mina Ekstrom
Mỹ Mannucci
Nailea Dominguez
Nuvany David
Paulina Jamieson
Ruby Klawans
Ruby Zuckerman
Russell Hickman
Steven Tovar-Campos
Walker Strauss
Xela Perryman

Image: © Kalena Burwell
A woman with a gold earring and hairband, her head tilted to the side. © Kalena Burwell
A person burning a book. © Nuvany David
Picture of a girl holding a photo up. © Emma Rehac
Two girls on a tree. © Ella Herman
The corner of room where a beam of light is cascading over a pillow. © Lucy Kassel
A woman in a black robe in an overgrown field. © Lydia Lee
Two kids playing outside the house © Russell Hickman
A black and white image of 2 ladies with hijabs © Afrida Ahmed

Special Thanks

Teen Academy and Imagemakers are made possible with generous support from the Chervenak-Nunnalle Foundation, Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation, The Alesio Family Fund, Joy of Giving Something, Inc., and Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation.

These programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.