Join us for the opening of 2019 ICP-Bard MFA candidate Pippa Hetherington’s solo exhibition, The Rest is Memory, at the ICP-Bard MFA Studios in Long Island City.

In The Rest is Memory, Pippa Hetherington examines heritage, history, and kin, attesting to the impossibility of disengaging our personal stories from history as she crisscrosses between the US and South Africa. Hetherington reflects on the difficulty of extricating herself from a primal attachment to the land in which she was born, and to the significance of remembrance. 


Pippa Hetherington (b. 1971) is a South African photographer who has been working as an independent photojournalist with a human rights focus. Her experience gained over the last two decades is in photography and video documentary. She is the co-founder of Behind the Faces, a pan-African women’s storytelling project, launched at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg in 2013. Her work has been published in international and national publications. She established an on-line photographic archive and communications agency in 2012,  Her solo and group exhibitions include Cape Town, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Durban (South Africa); London (UK); Dublin (Ireland); and Washington, DC, (USA). 

Opening Reception

Thursday, February 7 | 6–9 PM

On View

February 8–10 | 12–6 PM or by appointment. Contact:

In conversation with Hernease Davis on Saturday, February 9 at 3 PM (open to public).


The ICP-Bard MFA Studios are located at 24-20 Jackson Avenue in Queens. Take the E or M train to Court Square-23rd Street, 7 or G train to Court Square, or the B62 Bus to Jackson Ave/David St.


Image: Pippa Hetherington, East Griqualand #2, South Africa, 2018.