Bill Eppridge
(1938 - 2013) American (b. Argentina)

Bill Eppridge holds degrees from the University of Toronto and the University of Missouri. He worked at National Geographic and from there moved to LIFE magazine, where he became a staff photographer. Eppridge covered a wide range of stories for LIFE including the civil rights movement, Vietnam, the arrival of the Beatles to the United States, Woodstock; homosexuals in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and heroin addicts in New York. He is perhaps best known for his work on political campaigns, particularly his photograph of Juan Romero, busboy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, kneeling to help Robert F. Kennedy after he was shot by Sirhan B. Sirhan during Kennedy’s 1968 Presidential campaign. After LIFE ceased publication in 1972, Eppridge worked for other Time Inc. magazines and eventually landed at Sports Illustrated, where he photographed numerous Winter Olympics.
Mary O'Donnell Hulme
Eppridge, Bill. Robert Kennedy, the Last Campaign. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993.
Eppridge, Bill. A Time It Was: Bobby Kennedy in the Sixties. New York: Abrams, 2008.
The Great Life Photographers. New York: Bulfinch, 2004.
Mary O'Donnell Hulme
Eppridge, Bill. Robert Kennedy, the Last Campaign. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993.
Eppridge, Bill. A Time It Was: Bobby Kennedy in the Sixties. New York: Abrams, 2008.
The Great Life Photographers. New York: Bulfinch, 2004.