ICP Announces 2015 Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation Fellowship Recipients
The International Center of Photography (ICP) is proud to announce the 2015 Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation Fellowship recipients. They include Jessica Earnshaw, Sebastian Montalvo Gray, and Tadej Znidarcic, all alumni from ICP's Documentary Photography and Photojournalism program. Each will receive a grant of $10,000 in support of an exemplary photographic project that addresses critical issues in health care and will be mentored by esteemed members of ICP's faculty, Ron Haviv, Ed Kashi, and Maggie Steber. "Through this Fellowship, we identify promising emerging photographers and provide assistance when they need it most—at the beginning of their careers," said ICP Executive Director Mark Lubell. Each of this year's recipients are pursuing projects that will shed light on important challenges in American health care."
Jessica Earnshaw graduated in 2011 and is documenting aging inmates at a correctional facility. Originally from Peru, Sebastian Montalvo Gray graduated in 2014 and is working on fracking- related health issues. Tadej Znidarcic, from Slovenia, graduated in 2007 and is documenting issues concerning elder care in rural America.
The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation Fellowship was created in 2012 to support emerging photographers who have recently graduated from ICP. The Fellowship is open to ICP alumni in each of the full-time programs: the ICP-Bard MFA Program in Advanced Photographic Studies, the One- Year Certificate Program in General Studies in Photography, and the One-Year Certificate Program in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism.