In 1991 Nick Waplington released the classic photobook Living Room, a project chronicling the lives of two working class families on the Broxtowe Estate in Nottingham, United Kingdom, where he had been visiting his grandfather since 1984. This exceptionally insightful work launched him into the photo world, and he received much critical acclaim, including the ICP Infinity Award for Best Young Photographer in 1993. Now in 2015 Waplington has chosen to revisit this material publishing a small edition with Little Big Man entitled Living Room Work Prints based upon the contents of a box of work prints used for editing the book in 1989/1990. If you would like to find out more about this meaningful work then please join us for an artist talk with the man himself. The book will be available for purchase afterwards.
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Afternoon Tea with Nick Waplington
September 19, 2015 (3PM – 4PM)
Free Event
© Nick Waplington