ICP-Bard Student Receives Scholarship from Fondation Carla Bruni-Sarkozy

Mar 14, 2011

The School of the International Center of Photography is pleased to announce that Elizabeth (Libby) Pratt, a 2012 ICP-BARD student will be participating in the École Nationale de la Photographie Arles Exchange Program. She received her scholarship through the Art Schools: A French-American Exchange Program, which was made possible by generous support from the Fondation Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. ICP is one of the many partnering institutions that have established exchange agreements with other French art schools through the Fondation.

Born in Seattle, WA, Pratt completed her undergraduate studies at Vassar College. She has been exhibiting her work in the U.S. and France since 2000, most recently at Space15Twenty in Los Angeles. She has been the recipient of several awards, most notably the Belle Skinner Fellowship from Vassar, a post-graduate fellowship which entailed a one-year independent Art History/Photography research project conducted in Paris.

“Libby’s poise and insight as a photographer will stand her in good stead during her residency,” stated Nayland Blake, chair, ICP-Bard MFA Program. “She represents the best values of our MFA program, and we are thrilled that she has received this honor.”

Press Release