Curated by Yvette Naylor, Jamie Liles, and Alison Morley
The International Center of Photography's staff was asked to consider the idea of transition for this exhibition. Transition can mean many things: from movement, passage, or change from one subject, state of mind, position, or concept to another. Each staff person was invited to broaden that meaning in a personal or provocative way to interpret the concept. As the visual field changes and rearranges itself continually, we thought it was a perfect time to look at our personal shift in how we see and use photographic practice as a means to that end. The work includes personal memories, remembrances, instincts, and desires and the walls serve as a site for the collision of opinions and beliefs. The exhibition was open to all types of visual media; included are photographs, multimedia, video, painting, drawing, books, sculpture, and lithography.
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