"Lip Sync" (1988) by Bruce Nauman; "How various persons spit beans" (1973) by John Baldessari; "To and Fro" (1974), "Shift from side to side" (1974), "Broken Off" (1974), "Beached" (1974) by Lawrence Weiner; "One, Two, Three, Four" (1974) by Richard Landry; "Crossings and Meetings" (1974) by Ed Emshwiller; "After Laughter" (1981) by Stan Van der Beek; "Pop-Pop Video: General Hospital/Olympic Women Speed Skating" (1980) by Dara Birnbaum; "Gentlemans Honor" (1983) by John Sanborn; "Telling Motions" (198586) by Bill Seaman; "Live Video Dance" (1987) by Kit Fitzgerald and Stephanie Woodward; "Newt Ascends Astaire's Face" (1990) by Jim Pomeroy; "Faybridge" (1992) by William Wegman.
The Response Time
A Look at the Muybridge Influence on Video