Jacque Donaldson, NYFA's Program Associate for Fellowships & Curatorial, will present a seminar about NYFA's Artists' Fellowship Award program, NYFA Resources, and an in-depth discussion on the Photography Application.
For the past 30 years, the New York Foundation for the Arts has awarded Artists' Fellowships of $7,000 to individual originating artists living and working in New York State and/or Indian Nations located therein for unrestricted use. The Fellowship award accepts submissions in 15 different disciplines with 5 disciplines reviewed each year on a rotating 3 year cycle. Fellowships are awarded to artists of all career levels regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or ability/disability. This year NYFA is accepting applications for the following categories: Architecture/Environmental Structures/Designs, Music/Sound, Choreography, Screenwriting/Playwriting, and Photography.