Alums Lucy Helton PJ'07 and Flemming Ove Bech GS'09 present work in burning with pleasure - an exhibition of artists' books.

a r c h i p e l a g o presents burning with pleasure, an exhibition of works by artists engaging with the status of images in contemporary culture within the form of the book. The exhibition brings together one installation by Yukihito Kono and 60 books, some self-published, some from small publishers, and some still in dummy form. Produced and selected over recent months, they come from Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and the USA.

These works have been selected for their interesting approach to the idea of the image and for the way this is articulated in the form of the book. The exhibition aims to provide a platform for publications that have little exposure within the traditional book distribution network.

The works tackle issues such as the online flow of images and the shift that this supposes in our apprehension of the real; the versatility of images within media coverage; the question of image privacy versus online communities; the cinematic nature of the photographic image as well its paradoxical inability to represent; its relation to the material and sculptural; and the spatial and temporal dimension of a photograph. Through the choice of format, the treatment of images and their articulation via texts, these artists explore the many possibilities offered by the book as an art form.

Yukihito Kono will present 244, an installation and performance piece.
244 explores the possibility of photography in various formats and questions the interactions between people. Fragments of an image pinned on a wall open a space for meditation and interaction for the viewer, who is invited to select and take prints that the artist binds into a unique book.

burning with pleasure presents books by:
Thomas Albdorf, Monica Alcazar-Duarte , Laura Amanda, Marie Angeletti, Estefania Arauj Bianchi, Mary Ellen Bartley, Annette Behrens, Ross Birrell, Katrien de Blauwer, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Marianne Bjørnmyr, Lewis Bush, Federico Ciamei, Lewis Chaplin, Renato D’Agostin, Ezio D'Agostino, Alessandro Dandini de Sylva, Alexandra Davenport, Nicolò Degiorgis, Freddy Dewe Mathews, Documentation Céline Duval, Sabrina Fernández Casas, Philippe Fragnière, Vincent Fournier, Malin Gabriela, Alexander García Düttmann, Baptiste Giroudon, Guy Goldstein, Nicholas Gottlund, Alexander Hagmann, Takashi Homma, David Hornillos, Carlos Jiménez, Yukihito Kono, Luce Lebart, Silje Lovise Gjertsen, Robin Maddock, Peter Mann, Giulia Marchi, David Maljković, Kiki Mazzucchelli, Miguel Miceli, Ryan Moule, Alice Myers, Lia Na’ama ten Brink, Edward and James Newton, Kirstine Roepstoeff, Johan Rosenmunthe, Esther Teichmann, The Plantation, Hayley and Sue Tompkins, Penelope Umbrico, Ruth Van Beek, Antonio M. Xoubanova and Alba Yruela.

Adolfo Press, a+m books, argobooks, Avarie Publishing, Café Royal Books, Ca L’Isdret, Centerfold Editions, Dalpine, Documentation Celine Duval, Fw: Books, HEAD, Highchair Editions, Kodoji Press, Lemon Melon, Lodret Vandret, Loose Joint, Danilo Mantovani, Morel Books, Mousse Publishing, Poursuite Editions, Rorhof, RVB Books, Self-Publish Be Happy, Skinner Boox, Société Française de Photographie, SP Books, Skinnerboox, Temple Gallery, The Plantation, Trolley Books.