Alum Heather O'Brien GS'09 participates in the event fadeinfadeout.
On March 2nd all of the artists at the building located at 435 S Broadway got an email notice from the building manager saying that “...the owners had decided to take the building on a completely different direction.” This new direction, against the backdrop of the alarming development of Downtown Los Angeles, could have meant an array of different actions and futures; for us it meant to relocate, read and sign new contracts, demolish and make new walls, paint them, bring new people and projects into our studios and make new work, all with the all too familiar anticipation of having to eventually repeat the cycle. Individual and collective spaces, experiences and activities now have to dissipate, dissolve and transfer into other locations.
fadeinfadeout was organized as an invitation to respond to the building itself but also to reflect on ideas of displacement as it happens around us in personal, local and broader, global scales; in the everyday life of people close or far away, and along with them, the transformation and transposition of spaces, objects, thoughts and memories. The presence of these various creative responses, one last time at this location, hopes for an understanding of the building's transformations, our prospective absence in it and this cycle of fadeinfadeout.
Please join us Sunday August 23, 7:30 – 10:30 for an evening of sound, text, video, dance and installation on the rooftop and throughout the building.
David Bell
Johanna Breiding
Danielle Bustillo
Rebecca Bruno
Minkyung Choi
Robert Crouch
Veronique d'Entremont
Jorge Espinoza
Arshia Haq
Ali Kheradyar
Gelare Khoshgozaran
Heather M O'Brien
Alexandra Pacheco
Carole Sabouraud + Florencia Marano
Noah Spindler
Amy Von Harrington
Christina Webb