ICP is a proud presenter of 2012 Infinity Awards Cornell Capa Award recipient Ai Weiwei's film Never Sorry, opening June 15 at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival.

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In this unprecedented look at Ai Weiwei and those close to him, filmmaker Alison Klayman captures the artist's forthright and unequivocal stance against China's oppression, painting a picture of the artist as an individual and as a powerful voice for human rights. Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry chronicles the complexities of Ai's life for three years, beginning with his rise to public prominence via blog and Twitter after he questioned the deaths of more than 5,000 students in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Ai Weiwei always makes his opposition to silence and oppression public. His appearances on Twitter and the unsparing truths he airs in his blog often lead to police harassment. But even then he never gives up, and instead films his official minders with his video camera and publishes his footage on the web. Courtesy of Sundance Selects. US theatrical release July 27.