true meaning of pictures

true meaning of pictures

De Pencier, Nick.; Baichwal, Jennifer.; Adams, Shelby Lee.; Wharnsby-Ali, Dawud.; Mercury Films Inc; Docurama (Firm); New Video Group; TVOntario; Bravo! (Television network); Discovery Germany; Special Broadcasting Service (Australia)
TR140.A324 .T78 2003
"Born in Eastern Kentucky, [Shelby Lee] Adams has devoted 30 years of his life to visiting and making portraits of families living in Appalachia, those who have been misrepresented in the media and derogatorily referred to as 'hillbillies' ... [The film] also delves into the controversy that surrounds Adams' work, with hot debate amongst the critics, and revealing commentary from his friends and subjects ... along the way, we get to know both Adams and the extraordinary people who stand in front of his camera."--Container.

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