journey is the destination

journey is the destination

Eldon, Dan 1970-1993; Eldon, Kathy.
TR140 . E43 1997
Dan Eldon lived more in twenty-two years than most people do in eighty. He traveled through four continents, led expeditions across Africa, wrote a book, worked as a graphic designer in New York, made a film, and became a respected photojournalist, all before his sudden, violent death in Somalia. This is no ordinary diary. It is an astonishing collage of photographs, drawings, words, maps, clippings, paints, scraps, shards, and trash that reveals his strange and vivid life. The wild trips and weird places, the lovers and late nights, the danger and fun are captured in pages that seem to shiver with passion, opinion, and dark humor. Eldon's journal holds up a pure mirror to both the sickness of the modern world and the fragile happiness of the human condition, and ultimately, reveals the accidental beauty that only a young artist can truly capture.

This book can be found in ICP Library